Monday, October 20, 2014

Presidential Report card

Presidential Report Card

Name of President: Richard Nixon
Number of Presidency: 37th
Years in Office: January 20th, 1969- August 9th, 1974
In the following ten categories, grade your president from an A to an F. (You may “acknowledge” border-line grades with a – or a +).  You will need to give a 50 word justification as to why your candidate scored as they did. 
Ability to handle and deal with a crisis
When Richard Nixon took office, about 300 American soldiers were dying in Vietnam a week. Nixon concluded that the Vietnam war could not be won and that he planned to quickly end the war. He ended up bombing Cambodia, then he sent peace letters personally to the Vietnamese leaders. The fighting continued to 1975, Nixon ended Vietnam.
Ability to work with Congress and Cabinet
I am sure that Richard Nixon and congress, and the cabinet had to work together alot, since he came in to office towards the end of one of this countrys most deppressing wars. There is no way he would be able to control that situation on his own, so I am sure that they worked together just fine.
Character and Integrity
Richard Nixon is very well known for his intimidating character. He actually tried to intimidate the leaders of Vietnam by using the "Madman Theory". Which, unfortunately did not work at all, so he had to pull the soldiers out in 1975. So his character is also well known for pulling the soldiers out, and ending the vietnam war.
Richard Nixon went to Fullererton Union High School. Which is a pretty large high school. He was also granted a tuition to attend one of the greatest high schools ever, Harvard University. But, he wanted to stay in his home town and decided to attend Whittier College. I would have given him an A on education if he would have actually attended Harvard, but he did not.

Foreign Policy

Relates to the common man

He clearly was not the greatest of persuaders, since he was not able to end the Vietnam war with Peace. Although, he did send a hand written Peace treaty to the leaders of the vietkong. I definitely would have given him an A++ if he would have been able to peacfully end the horrible war, but he could not.
Political Experience

Public speaking & Communication

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