Friday, August 22, 2014

Assignment 8/22/14

     There are many things wrong with the United States now days. The economy is easily the biggest of the problems. The current United State debt is higher than it has ever been. Also, gas prices are very high. Drugs, welfare, social security, unemployment. I could go on forever.
     I will first start with what many people see to be the biggest problem in the United states. The economy. We no longer produce what we need to sustain ourselves. We import much more than we export, and we are selling off our assets and taking on massive debts to sustain a standard of living we can no longer afford. To solve this problem, we should create more jobs by exporting.
     The next problem with the United States is the constantly increasing debt. The United States debt is at it's highest right now. It is currently up to 17.7 trillion dollars and is constantly rising. To fix this problem, I think we should cut the pay of congress, and maybe have a government shut down for a while.
     One other huge problem is welfare. Welfare is a great idea, with great intentions. But, like most things, Americans feel the need to misuse it. I think that welfare should be looked into more. When people file for welfare, they should have to prove that they need it to survive.
     I hope that you enjoyed my essay on the problems with the United States. Hopefully, sometime soon, we can fix these problems.

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