Monday, November 10, 2014

Bell Ringer 11/10/14

1. He will have less support from the democrats
2. senate or gubernatorial

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Assignment for November 6, 2014

     One of the issues that I consider most important in today's economy is natural resources. Natural Resources are running low, let's face it. Yes, there may be enough coal to run this country for the rest of our lifetime, but what about the next generation, and the generation after that? I think that it is important to find a new source of renewable energy. We need to focus some funding to powering states with renewable, clean energy.
     Another concern would be welfare. Welfare is a great program that helps many disabled Americans. But, there are many people that abuse welfare. Citizens drawing welfare should be drug tested randomly, and frequently. Also, the government should look into the lives of those who are drawing welfare more closely. Welfare is very important, but only to those who truly need it.
     The Death penalty. Many people are either completely for it, or completely against it. I think that the death penalty should be legal in all states. It should only be a sentence to the worst crimes imaginable. Also, the case of the person who was sentenced to death will be looked into extensively. The criminal will need to be clearly proven guilty.
     Prisons are being filled all over the country. The issue of overcrowded prisons should only encourage the death penalty. But, there should be more of a work program for prisoners. Prisoners should have to work, every single day, until they are released. This should both add more room for prisoners, and drop the crime rate.
     Air quality is another huge concern. The environment is my biggest concern. This also supports the alternative energy plan. Coal is a dirty source of energy. Yes, it has kept the country rolling for many years, but it is time to stop burning fossil fuels and focus on new, clean energy. To help better the air, and environment quality, we must find new energy.
     I am not really a supporter of either parties. I believe that both parties have good ideas, and that we should just run the country in the best way possible. I guess if i had to choose a party, i would lean more towards the democratic side. Just because of their rules on spending, taxes, abortion, the death penalty, and healthcare.

Bell Ringer for November 6, 2014

1.Well, it is not really a great accomplishment to have the youngest law maker.
2. I think that being so young will most likely hinder her. She is not as experienced as others.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

assignment for November 5, 2014

     I chose to vote for the male candidate. I chose to vote for him mostly because of the giving unemployed families affordable health insurance. Also, the healthy, but good school food.

Bellringer Wednesday, November 5, 2014

     Phil Ferguson won the election for barbour county sheriff. I am happy for that, and would have voted for him personally if I could have. Republican Danny Wagner, a retired teacher from Philip Barbour, won the spot for district 47 of the House of  Delegates. Republican Dave Sypolt won against Stan Shaver for the District 14 Senate race. Also, Republican Tim McDaniel is now a member of the Barbour County Commission. So, it seems like the majority of winners were definitely Republican, and all of the winners were male. It is important to have these elections so that we can keep things rolling in this small county. It was especially important that we got a new sheriff, since our last one kind of went to prison. I think it is important to vote because voting keeps everything fair.    

Monday, November 3, 2014

5 x 5 on how I will decide who to vote for in the future.

     Voting is an extremely important thing. Voting is what makes America what it is. The fact that we, as Americans, have the complete right to vote for who we want to lead this country is a truly amazing thing. So, yes I will be voting when I get the chance in the future. Although, the future may come sooner than I am ready.
     It is very hard to believe that in less than one year, I will be able to vote. Finally, I will be able to cast my vote as an American citizen. I am both excited, and afraid to start voting. What if I choose the wrong candidate? What if the person I vote for makes a bad President? These are the reasons that I am afraid.
     It will be hard to choose who to vote for in the future, but that is something that every U.S citizen has to decide. There are many important thing that I would look for in a president, specifically. I have an open mind about a lot of things, but I would have to agree with everything the candidate says that he or she would do. I would look for many other things specifically though.
     I would look a lot at the education of who I am voting for. I would look at his or her views on the environment. I would look at his or her thoughts on war. I would look into their thoughts on education, and many other important things. I would most likely go with the democratic vote, but if a republican had good ideas, I would vote for them.
     So, that is how I will decide to vote in the near future. I just do not know if I will be ready for this responsibility in less than a year. I am sure that when the time comes, I will be ready. Since this is something that every person in the U.S has to deal with. I just hope I make the right decisions.

Bell Ringer for 11/3/14

1. Her argument is definitely one that I agree with. Her argument is that is someone is constantly in pain, having seizures frequently that last for up to an hour at a time, they should have a choice. Everyone should have the choice to take their own life in a medical way.
2. That suicide is wrong. They could also say that it is no their choice when they die, and that it is gods choice. But, some people do not have a religion, they do not believe in an afterlife. So, they should have the choice.
3. My opinion has been clearly stated. I do completely agree with euthanasia. If I were in her situation, I would do the same thing.

Thursday, October 30, 2014


     Glen Gainer III was born February 26, 1960. He is an American Politician, and a member of the Democratic party. He graduated with a bachelors degree in political science from the university of Charleston. He worked in the West Virginia state treasury office from 1985 to 1989. He was also the Budget director of West Virginia. So, I am sure he knows a little about West Virginia.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

The article talks about the political races in West Virginia.
2. agree

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

1. Well, it supports it pretty well. A man who could do something like that deserves to be killed.
2. I think so, yes.

Bell Ringer October 28, 2014

1. Most of the laws are very stupid. I do not think they are actually very enforced. I highly doubt a cop would arrest someone for being under 18 and playing a pinball machine. But still, these laws are useless.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Bell Ringer for October 27, 2014

1. Because he was the captain of a ship that sank, which he abandoned and 304 people died. Some of them were school children.
2. I agree. As a Captain, you are responsible for the lives of your passengers.
3. I think the death penalty can be argued as a good, and bad thing. I agree with it just because some criminals are not worth the tax dollars, and their crimes were bad enough, they should be killed.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Presidential Report card

Presidential Report Card

Name of President: Richard Nixon
Number of Presidency: 37th
Years in Office: January 20th, 1969- August 9th, 1974
In the following ten categories, grade your president from an A to an F. (You may “acknowledge” border-line grades with a – or a +).  You will need to give a 50 word justification as to why your candidate scored as they did. 
Ability to handle and deal with a crisis
When Richard Nixon took office, about 300 American soldiers were dying in Vietnam a week. Nixon concluded that the Vietnam war could not be won and that he planned to quickly end the war. He ended up bombing Cambodia, then he sent peace letters personally to the Vietnamese leaders. The fighting continued to 1975, Nixon ended Vietnam.
Ability to work with Congress and Cabinet
I am sure that Richard Nixon and congress, and the cabinet had to work together alot, since he came in to office towards the end of one of this countrys most deppressing wars. There is no way he would be able to control that situation on his own, so I am sure that they worked together just fine.
Character and Integrity
Richard Nixon is very well known for his intimidating character. He actually tried to intimidate the leaders of Vietnam by using the "Madman Theory". Which, unfortunately did not work at all, so he had to pull the soldiers out in 1975. So his character is also well known for pulling the soldiers out, and ending the vietnam war.
Richard Nixon went to Fullererton Union High School. Which is a pretty large high school. He was also granted a tuition to attend one of the greatest high schools ever, Harvard University. But, he wanted to stay in his home town and decided to attend Whittier College. I would have given him an A on education if he would have actually attended Harvard, but he did not.

Foreign Policy

Relates to the common man

He clearly was not the greatest of persuaders, since he was not able to end the Vietnam war with Peace. Although, he did send a hand written Peace treaty to the leaders of the vietkong. I definitely would have given him an A++ if he would have been able to peacfully end the horrible war, but he could not.
Political Experience

Public speaking & Communication

Friday, October 17, 2014

Bell Ringer for 10/17/14

The article basically says that it is horrible that nurses have to come in to contact with this disease. The disease is slowly spreading through the country and it needs to be stopped. It says that the country still is just not ready to treat or care for ebola patients.

2. Actually, somewhat. I'm sure that we will find a cure for this eventually, but it seems like we would have been a little more prepared though.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Bell Ringer for 10/13/14

1. No. Anything involving the internet can be hacked into at any time.
2. I do not think there is any privacy at all when talking about the internet.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Bell Ringer for October 10, 2014

1. Yes, I agree that the woman should be able to take her own life. If she has a legitimate reason, which she definitely does.

2. Suicide is usually for a non-legitimate reason. If someone would rather die painlessly, than die slowly and painfully over time, they should have every right.

3. I would feel horrible, knowing that i was going to die, but I would make the same choice that she is making.  

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Bell Ringer 10/9/14

1. Clearly, some regions are much more rich than others, since the burger costs $1,768.
2. Of course i would eat the burger. Because, if it is a 17 hundred dollar burger, it can't taste that bad.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

October 8, 2014 Bell Ringer

1. Not really
2. women should report it more
3. By monitoring the workplace more

Bell Ringer for 10/6/14

1. They make your computer vulnerable to viruses.
2. I do not click on the links so it doesn't bother me.

Friday, October 3, 2014

1. It seems a little more bias.
2. The first was written yesterday, and the second is backtracking.
3. It's ridiculous.

Bell Ringer for October 3, 2014

1. I do not think it makes any sense that you would have to pay money to live in one of the crappiest towns in America. I could understand if there were some things to do in this town, but there is nothing at all.
2. It doesn't violate any amendment, but it is ridiculous.
3. Most likely, over half of the people in Belington are not going to pay.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Bell Ringer for 10/2/14

1. It kills very few people and is hard to spread.
2. Measels, influenza, Norovirus.
3. I am not really worried about it at all.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Bell Ringer for October 1, 2014

1. He should not have been because he was not really over celebrating.
2. The first amendment says freedom of religion.
3. State clearer rules.

bell ringer for September 30, 2014

1. It changes because it makes the man guilty until proven innocent.
2. It will make it easier.

Bell Ringer 9/29/14

1. To demand free elections and other democratic changes.
2. Being able to vote.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Bell Ringer 9/26/14

1. That not very many people in west virginia go to college.
2. Because WV has a high drop out rate percentage.
3. Make sure the schools are doing all they can do to encourage students to go to college.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Bell Ringer 9/25/14

1. That The United States of America is Making progress.
2. He clearly did very well since we now have many allies.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Bell Ringer 9/24/14

1. I do not agree with the new policy. It's a little extreme.
2. Some bar type places that allow smoking now may lose customers.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Bell Ringer 9/23/14

1. They are much closer than us to iraq and syria.
2. I think they will try to act back and there will be nothing they can do.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Bell ringer 9/22/14

1. No. I do not think that 16 year olds have the maturity to vote.
2. The voting age should stay at 18.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Bell Ringer 9/19/14

I think that the actions of France can only help our efforts to destroy ISIS.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Bell Ringer 9/15/14

The article describes how a twelve year old girl was murdered by a fifteen year old boy in a small town called clayton new jersey.

Bell Ringer 9/16/14

1. I think he should have his kids taken away.
2. They have become much more civilized and reasonable.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Bell Ringer 9/12/14

I think that it is a very horrible situation. I think that the government should make it a top priority to stop ISIS.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Bell Ringer for September 9, 2014

1. No. The cost of everything is increasing.
2. More people and businesses will will suffer with less money.
3. No. I think they are just trying to increase business.
4. I would choose lil' Moe's. They have many things on the menu, but I could eat their hot wings every day of my life.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Bell Ringer 9/8/14

The article is about a man named Fred Mayer. He is a WWII spy that lives a normal life in Charles Town West Virginia. He volunteered to go back to Germany several times to be a spy.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Bell Ringer 9/5/14

1. Fake cell towers could be a threat because everything that you say could be being recorded by the NSA.
2. I think they would be located near military bases so that average citizens would never see them.
3. I fully believe that the NSA is behind all of this because they have been caught spying on citizens before.

Bell Ringer 9/4/14

1. It could break down India's leaders and government.
2. To fight the indian muslims.
3. The US is already doing all it can to stop Al-Qaeda 

Bell Ringer 9/3/14

1. Rick Perry threatened to and then did withhold funding for a program run by Lehmberg a powerful Democrat in a heavily Republican state. He is the first Texas governor in 100 years to face criminal charges.
2. I agree because there should be no exceptions for drunk drivers.

Friday, August 29, 2014

bell ringer for August 29, 2014

1. I personally think that the child's parents are to blame here.
2. Children under the age of twelve should not even be allowed on a shooting range.
3. Uzis and other automatic weapons definitely do not belong in the hands of children. They do not really belong in anybody's hands, actually.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Bell Ringer for 8/20/14

1. The article is talking about the people wanting to lower U.S taxes. People that own large businesses are upset because taxes are very high. It also talks about how larger businesses are buying out the smaller businesses.
2.  To provide a revenue stream for government. 
     To redistribute wealth from the rich to the poor.
3. I think that larger business owners should have to pay the most taxes because they have the largest, and steadiest money flow.

Bell Ringer for 8/28/14

Article 1- Article of the Constitution that defines the Legislative Branch, it's powers, members, and workings.

Article 2- Article of the Constitution that defines the Executive Branch, it's powers, duties, and means of removal.

Article- 3 Article of the Constitution that sets up the Judicial Branch and defines treason.

Article 4- Article of the Constitution that regulates the states' powers, and their interaction with the National government.

Article 5- Article of the Constitution that sets up the amendment process.

Article 6- Article of the Constitution that sets the status of the Constitution as the supreme law of the land, to which leaders must be loyal.

Article 7- Article of the Constitution that addresses ratification and declares that the constitution should take affect if 9 out of 13 states ratify.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Bell Ringer 8/27/14

     The article is about a special nail polish that could help prevent women from accidentally taking a date rape drug. The nail polish changes color when it comes into contact with a date rape drug. All that the woman would need to do is stir her drinks with her finger.
     I think that this is a great way to prevent a horrible crime. I do not see how this could go wrong at all.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Bell Ringer 8/26/14

Surveillance flights have been seen flying over Syria. Obama approved these flights. These flights could be searching for targets, which if Obama approves, could be bombed. This will allow the military to better coordinate air strikes.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Bell Ringer for 8/25/14

     The article is talking about a horrible disaster that happened in California Sunday morning. An earthquake struck leaving ninety to one hundred homes unlivable. It also destroyed around fifteen buildings in wine country. It was the largest earthquake to hit in twenty five years.
     All earthquakes in the state are caused by the shifting of the tectonic plates.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Assignment 8/22/14

     There are many things wrong with the United States now days. The economy is easily the biggest of the problems. The current United State debt is higher than it has ever been. Also, gas prices are very high. Drugs, welfare, social security, unemployment. I could go on forever.
     I will first start with what many people see to be the biggest problem in the United states. The economy. We no longer produce what we need to sustain ourselves. We import much more than we export, and we are selling off our assets and taking on massive debts to sustain a standard of living we can no longer afford. To solve this problem, we should create more jobs by exporting.
     The next problem with the United States is the constantly increasing debt. The United States debt is at it's highest right now. It is currently up to 17.7 trillion dollars and is constantly rising. To fix this problem, I think we should cut the pay of congress, and maybe have a government shut down for a while.
     One other huge problem is welfare. Welfare is a great idea, with great intentions. But, like most things, Americans feel the need to misuse it. I think that welfare should be looked into more. When people file for welfare, they should have to prove that they need it to survive.
     I hope that you enjoyed my essay on the problems with the United States. Hopefully, sometime soon, we can fix these problems.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Bell Ringer 8/21/14

1. I think the challenge is great because it spreads awareness to ALS.

2. I think it has been very effective. It has raised 31.5 million dollars.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Bell Ringer 8/19/14

1. Released the name of the officer.
    Used tear gas on a peace rally.

2. Excessive force would be if Brown attacked the police officer and threatened his life. I do not believe excessive force was used.

3. I would try to investigate further and release more honest information to the people. Other than that, it just takes time.

bell ringer for August 18, 2014

Dear Evan,

     Its finally over. You made it through your high school career. I thought it would last forever. I am sure that by this time you are starting to hate the real world. I am sure that you have matured a bit since leaving high school. I hope you learned everything you needed to know before leaving the high school. I doubt you have accomplished much by this time. Hopefully you have a steady, decent paying job, that you enjoy doing. I hope that you have started saving up some money so that you can move and see the world a little bit. I would hope that you could be moving out soon into a cheap apartment or something. Maybe you could be renting a small house.
     The biggest thing that I hope you have done is begin to make a little money on the side with music. I hope that you are still trying to pursue music. And that maybe some day you will be able to completely make a living off of your music. I hope that you still plan on traveling the country and maybe even the entire world. I think that would be very interesting and I am hoping that you still do too. Well, its been really nice talking with myself. I hope that you enjoyed this conversation as much as I did.
